Amidst Elisha Abbo’s Appointment, Regina Daniel’s Husband Gets Appointed As Chairman Board Of National Patrons Of AGN

AGN president Emeka Rollas unveils billionaire businessman , Ned Nwoko as the guild’s Chairman board of national patrons.

Amidst the ongoing senator Elisha Abbo and Actor’s Guild of Nigeria social media protests, Emeka Rollas has announced Prince Ned Nwoko as the guild’s chairman board of national patrons.
The guild’s president made the announcement via Instagram on Wednesday, March 18,2020. He wrote:
“Rt Hon Prince Ned Nwoko a man with a lion heart. Husband to one of our own Princess Regina Daniels Nwoko. It was my pleasure decorating you with all the instruments of your appointment as Chairman Board of National Patrons of Actors Guild of Nigeria AGN. You have promised to join hands with other patrons to massively support the AGN projects”.
Rollas was recently called out for the appointment of alleged woman beater senator, Elisha Abbo as a patron representing the North-East chapter of the guild and in his controversial interview, the president of the guild clarified that the conferment of patronship on any individual was based on the individual’s contribution to the development of the guild’s members
According to various reports, the popular Abuja-based business man has been totally invested in the industry’s growth. Prince Ned Nwoko is married to Nollywood star actress, Regina Daniels.
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