Why do people orgasm and feel horny in the gym?

Here's why working out makes you horny or even induces an orgasm.

Has this ever happened to you while you are working out or your coach is stretching you out after a workout? You feel a tingly sensation down there, you don’t want to cause a scene, but before you know it, it comes like a flood, the euphoric and warm eruption - an orgasm.

According to a recent study, 10% of people have had what is known as an "exercise-induced orgasm," a term that was first used in 2011 by Debby Herbenick, a Professor at Indiana University School of Public Health. Although, she discovered that many more people reported being aroused during exercise without an orgasm.

According to Herbenick's 2018 study, 5% of respondents (both male and female) reported having at least one to two exercise-induced orgasms, while about 1% reported having 11 or more of them.

Studies show that when you exercise, the muscle spasms brought on by exercises that include the core, increase in blood flow to the genitals and rush of happy hormones like endorphins cause you to feel aroused.

Similar to how our bodies respond to sex and foreplay, exercise increases heart rate and blood flow.

Exercise may aid in raising testosterone levels. Testosterone is the hormone directly related to feelings of horniness in men.

Study shows women who engaged in sustained exercise for just 20 minutes demonstrated increased genital arousal, elevated dopamine and serotonin levels (happy hormones), improved overall mood, as well as decreased cortisol (stress hormone).

Plus, hanging around hot and sweaty people in the gym will only increase your feeling of horniness.

Herbenick's research revealed that men who climax after exercise do not get a hard-on or erection, they just proceed directly to ejaculation.

Women are said to experience intense orgasms similar to what they feel during penetrative sex, although it is a much more internal sensation without genital rubbing.

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