Why African parents shouldn’t beat or spank their children

Not only do African parents beat or spank with their hands but with slippers, brooms, belts and anything else in their sight. The fact that something happens frequently doesn’t make it a normal occurrence. We have come to normalize such beatings and even say, ‘I ended up fine’ but our warped view of domestic violence is not fine.

Sometimes I see a woman beating a two-year-old child, and it is amazing. You can’t slap toddlers like you would an adult, their bodies and minds are still forming and beating them up is taking advantage of their weakness. You hurt a child physically and mentally when you beat them.

When violence becomes a staple in our homes, we tend to unleash it on other members of society. When children fight with their friends, neighbours or classmates, they mirror the conflict settlement mechanism they learned from home.

Your inability to express your anger without violence will be transferred to your children. When you beat them, they feel anger towards you and no remorse for their actions, this anger will be transferred to others around them.

The more you beat a child, the more angry and resentful they become. They just think of new ways to defy your rules and may even say, ‘Is it not just beating?’ They do not understand the consequences of their actions and feel justified since you have beaten them.

Your child becomes afraid of you. They should be able to come up to you with their mistakes and challenges, but beating them cuts the bond and friendship and puts fear and resentment in its place.

There are other ways to correct children.

I. Talking to them about their actions.

II. Withdrawing privileges like television, internet and phone.

Iii. Giving them more chores.

Iv. Making them volunteers to help less privileged people.


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