The short clip which was first shared on Snapchat, has circulated into Twitter, and other social media platforms. James Brown is presently trending on social media as a result of his bedroom affairs raking the internet last night.
With the video making rounds online, many have further questioned James Brown's alleged gender orientation in the wake of the leaked bedroom video of the famed cross-dresser with a woman.
The crossdresser, also known as the Princess of Africa, has severally given assertions that he is straight, but a lot of people seem to not believe him. So, when the video of him having s*x with a woman surfaced on the internet, it sparked mixed reactions from fans and everyone at large
Also, netizens have questioned the brand influencer's HIV status in the wake of the disclosure of a video showing James Brown indulging in unprotected copulation, and many have dug out interview tapes in which he acknowledged his condition.