Recall that Khalid and Daniella gave early risers a massive show of adult content on Monday morning. The cameras also caught Amaka reacting, possibly to the creaking bed. Fans of the show have since shared their two cents on the season seven housemates.
Amaka telling Phyna how horny she was when watching Daniella and Khalid having Sx yesterday 🤣🤣..
— Trendyz bulletin (@trendyzbulletin) August 9, 2022
It's Phyna's response for us 🤣🤣🤣
- Brown Skin Girl | Adekunle | NO LEAVE NO TRANSFER #BellaOkagbue🐐 #sheggzolu #bringbackbeauty #BBNaijaLevelUp #BBNaijaSeason7 #BBNaija7
Meanwhile, a fresh set of level two housemates have been put up for possible eviction this weekend. As part of the perks of winning the HoH for the second week in a row, level one housemates won immunity from evictions.
The week's HoH, Adekunle proceeded to nominate Khalid, Phyna, Ilebaye, Bryann and Groovy for possible eviction. At least one housemate will exit Biggie's house on Sunday.