I couldn’t let her go, Yul Edochie gives reasons for marrying second wife


 Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie, has given his reasons for marrying a second wife despite his first marriage of 17 years with May Yul-Edochie.

The actor shared a video via his Facebook page on Friday where he talked about the reason behind his choice to marry his colleague.

Edochie stated that despite popular opinion, he should not have allowed another woman into his life after his first marriage. He added that he was unable to end his relationship with his second wife because she had made an impact on his life.

He said, “I have heard from people that a man can’t love two women at the same time. I used to believe it until it happened to me, I realised that never say never. At this point in my life, I think it is possible for a man to love two women.

“Two women can be in your life and bring different things to your life. They reason in different ways, they contribute different things to your life, and make you realise that is just the way it is.”

The former presidential aspirant also admitted that allowing another woman into his life during his first marriage was wrong.

“Yes it’s wrong, I take the blame for that. Things happened, it happened to me and I realised I couldn’t let this woman leave my life.

“You may say the circumstances are wrong, but these things happen, and then you realise you can’t let this person go. This person has a lot of impact on your life, you don’t want this person to go,” he added.

Speaking of his two wives, Edochie called them “wonderful women in their respective rights” as they both bring “different things to the table.”

The actor caused a stir on the Internet in April, after announcing his second marriage to colleague, Judy Austin, adding that she already had a son for him.

His first wife, May, had reacted to the news by calling on God’s judgement upon the new couple.

Yul’s family members have also publicly disassociated themselves from his decision since he made the announcement.

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