Adekunle Gold didn’t decide songs on my album — Simi


Singer, Simi, has said that her husband and fellow singer, Adekunle Gold, did not decide which songs went into her last album titled, ‘To be Honest’.

During a question and answer session at a listening session for the album, a fan sought to know if Adekunle Gold had a say in the selection of songs on the album, and she said, “No. Obviously, his input is very important to me and I can ask how he feels about certain things. But at the end of the day, all the songs and the way they came out was my decision.”

The ‘Naked wire’ singer also maintained that she does not take for granted the position she is in. She said, “Honestly, I am really grateful because I know that there are many incredible musicians that put in work and want to win. I don’t take the position I am in for granted.

“I don’t think it definitely has to be me because many people also deserve these things. I am just really grateful. I am grateful for my supporters, and I am grateful that I am able to continue excelling at my craft.”

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