Technology is the new gold, it can push someone who is expertise in it to the levels the person never expected. Technology is gradually becoming the new norm in the 21st-century jet age, young guys are doing very mighty things with technology especially in the coding and ICT areas. 

The benefits of Technology to the young generation can never be overemphasized as most young people have built a career around it and are seriously making good incomes from it.

Nevertheless, the evolution of technology has equally done some harm in the internet space ranging from cyberbullying, internet scams, digital theft, and so on. These issues are issues of serious concern by the government of nations as some youths have decided to embrace these negative aspects of Technology.

To combat these negative effects and embrace the positive effects of technology, the government has advised entrepreneurs and movie producers to try producing movies that would shape the minds of youths about technology, this is because movies are one of the most effective ways of passing serious information. This is why Paul Omogie a movie producer and Ceo of Vitiwood movies has partnered with Viraltrend a big company that has paid over 150 million nairas to youths who perform simple tasks online to produce a movie called 'THE MENTALITY'

This is a movie every youth must not fail to see, intriguing, suspense-filled, good storyline and filled with a lifetime message that would blow you out of your mind.

The movie will be premiered on the 24th of December 2021 on YouTube. To see this movie on 24th all you need to do is subscribe to the YouTube page VITIWOOD.

It is going to be huge and thrilling! Are you ready? What are you waiting for? Rush now go subscribe to the Vitiwood youtube channel following the link below. After seeing this movie, i bet you your mindset will be shifted.

Turn on your notifications and wait for a lifetime movie experience. To see highlights of the movie, you can follow the official Instagram page of the production company 'vitiwood'.

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