95% Nigerian women hardly experience orgasms. Most fake it. So all those boasting of “I dealt with her in beds” bro you did nothing actually. Most of the moans are fake.
Huge penis size does not guarantee orgasm. In fact, 80% men with huge Gbola, doesn’t know how to use it properly. Getting her injured does not mean you did well. Some of you women are badly injured on the inside, unknowingly even as I’m writing this. In your mind, you dey enjoy. LMAO 🤣
In Africa, most of us have little or no knowledge about SEX EDUCATION, reason why we don’t know what a good sex feels like. Maybe because we took religion way too serious.🤷
He has a big cock, bangs you hard for hours, then why do you still cheat on him with another man? What exactly are you looking for?🤔
There’s this special unexplainable feeling you wanted badly, but aren’t getting it. Yeah his dick is huge and he fvcks you hard, you moan like you’re gonna die, but something is still missing.
Do you know what a DILEMMA is? That’s the situation majority of our Nigerian women are (Married and Single).
Dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable.
For instance, not a perfect one though on this topic, but take it.👇🏿👇🏿
Mr. A is poor with a huge penis, while Mr. B is rich but has an average or micro penis, do you know that some Nigerian women whose family are extremely poor and needed help, will rather go for Mr. A?
In a nutshell, you all are confused! You don’t know what you want.
Let me ask you this question. If a lesbian could satisfy her partner with a finger and tongue, do you think penis size matters? Anyways, I’ll write on this later today or tomorrow.
Do you know that there’s a way you look at a woman, she gets wet immediately? Do you also know there’s a way you touch a woman and she squirt instantly without penetration? Story for another day.
I repeat, 95% Nigerian women hardly experience orgasms. Most fake it including the moans. So all those boasting of “I dealt with her in beds” bro you did nothing actually.
95% Of Nigerian Women Hardly Experience Orgasm During Sexual Intercourse
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