Pastor Adeboye Shares Life Changing Miracle He Witnessed Many Years Ago



General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, on Monday shared a miracle he witnessed many years ago.

Adeboye narrated how God provided food for his uncle and himself when they had nothing to eat.

Taking to social media, the RCCG leader wrote;

”Years ago, I think it was in 1956, I was living with my uncle who was poor but I was poorer. If he had anything, we shared and when there is nothing, there is nothing. There was this day we were very hungry and there was no way food could come at all.

Suddenly a young girl came and said, ”My sister said, I should give you this pounded yam, vegetable and chicken.’My uncle said I don’t know your sister. Are you sure, The girl insisted so we took the food and my uncle said sai he would look the food and my uncle said he would look for a gift to give her some other time and she left?

As soon as she left, we descended on the pounded yam and as soon as we finished it, the girl came back and said the food was not for him. I decree to you today, the miracle you don’t deserve, the lord will send it to you this week.”

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