Oduduwa Republic: Gani Adams Backs Nigeria’s Breaks Up, Gives Reasons

1 minute read


Aare Onakakanfo of Yoruba land, Iba Gani Adams has revealed how the South West can separate from Nigeria without bloodshed.

The Yoruba leader said that it was possible for Oduduwa Republic to be actualized without war.

Adams said for Nigeria to remain as a unit, President Muhammadu Buhari must not ignore renewed calls for restructuring.

He noted that the call for Oduduwa Republic became necessary as the Nigerian state was failing.

“Our people in diaspora see a lot of things that we that are in the country don’t see, and these are people that are highly exposed and know whatever is happening in the global community, and this is why they are asking for a separate nation, and I also agree with them,” he was quoted by the Sun at the weekend.

“We can have our Oduduwa Republic in a peaceful way through a referendum. Nigerians from the different zones will cast their votes and decide whether they want Nigeria to remain as one or not .

I agree with the Secretary of the Arewa Consultative Forum who said recently that we could break up Nigeria without war,” he added.

He lamented that the country cannot move forward with the way it was going, noting that injustice, nepotism and corruption were on the increase.

He alleged that 85% was given to the North at the recent recruitment in DSS while less than 15 per cent was allocated to the South.

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