REAL TALK!! What Should Every Man Experience At-least Once In His Life?

Hello Everyone,

It is a tough job being a man. It is not easy one bit. Men go through a lot to establish themselves and trust me society is not kind to us 😥
As Burna Boy said:
Man go fight for money, man go fight for woman, man go fight for business, man go fight for nonsense…
The hard truth is we wont live forever on planet earth and trust me there are so many experiences a Man may encounter in his limited time here; some will be good, some will be bad, some will teach you a lesson, some will be for fun. All of them however will be part of your life story.
We want to learn from everyone 👇

What Should Every Man Experience At-least Once In His Life?

MINE: Try having a relationship with a woman in a different country. Trust me it will open your eyes to a different world even if you haven’t left Naija
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