NAWA O!! Mr P Clashes With Fan Who Got Scammed Trying To Play Zoom

Mr P of the defunct P-Square group clashed with a fan who tried to hold him responsible after he got scammed trying to play Mr P’s lottery game, Zoom.

A Fan sent Mr P a series of screenshots of messages between him and a Mr P impersonator who scammed the fan of Twenty thousand Naira. The fan asked Mr p to return his money.
Mr P replied the fan scolding him for being unwise and dealing with an impersonator despite knowing that all his Official social media accounts are verified.
He also said that the fan shouldn’t hold him responsible and that to play zoom cost only 500 Naira and not 30,000 Naira.
Mr P recently took a short break to start up his own lottery business which he named Zoom and posts daily videos of him informing lucky winners.

My Facebook,Twitter and Instagram are all verified. And you went ahead and chat up with a scammer because you wanted an easy way. Now you have been scammed by unknown person and you here ranting and accuse me. To play Zoom is just N500 not N30,000. 👎🏽🤷🏽‍♂️ be careful and be guided. 

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