OPINION! See What Happened To The Donated Money By Individuals To Fight COVID-19

The Unwanted Federal Donor.

You donate cash to the federal government to help fight the Coronavirus, right? Great!
Did the federal government inform you they didn’t have sufficient funds?
Have you asked them to give account of the hundreds of billions expropriated for healthcare all these years?
You and I know that whatever goes into their pockets disappears but you chose to donate to them!
Well, I believe you didn’t really donate to fight the Coronavirus but to secure your position with the federal government! Don’t insult our intelligence with ‘I donate this to the FG to fight COVID-19’.
What in tarnation are you smoking?
If you wanna really help with funds to help fight the Coronavirus, go to your state, speak with your governor, select a general hospital, upgrade it with the best equipment and the best medical practitioners, help them set up a medical database centre too, then massively help test your people… and treat those that might have been infected!
…or donate directly to the states doing the actual job!
Those that pretend to give to the federal government to fight Coronavirus are either insulting our intelligence, or surprisingly stupid!
Yes, the federal government would recognize them and compensate them with favours later, but those donations have nothing to do with the Coronavirus!
You may donate to the federal government all you want, but leave us out of it; we are not grateful. Thank you very much!
Imagine Emeka Offor donating 12 billion and you tell me it’s not for future oil deals.
The biggest impact of such funds is at the state or regional level; those that donate to the federal government are absolutely ridiculous!
Cheers you all!
I Will Be Waiting For Your Contributions.
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