ON HOLD!! Navy Suspends 2020 Recruitment Exercise Over Coronavirus

Following the Coronavirus scourge, the Nigerian Navy, NN, has suspended its 2020 recruitment exercise.

A statement signed by the Director of Information, Commodore Suleman Dahun, on behalf of the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ibas, explained that the suspension was in response to national concerns.
Dahun also disclosed that its recruitment portal has been deactivated.
Recall that the Nigerian Navy had on March 10, 2020, announced its 2020 recruitment exercise.
But, while the recruitment exercise was ongoing, Nigeria recorded an outbreak of Coronavirus.
However, a terse statement by Dahun reads.:
”The Nigerian Navy wishes to inform the general public and prospective applicants that its 2020 recruitment exercise has been put on hold till further notice in response to national concerns”
“Consequently, the online registration for the 2020 recruitment has been suspended and the recruitment portal deactivated with immediate effect”.
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