Do You Agree?? ‘The Choice Of A Spouse Is One Of Life’s Toughest Decisions – Ezekwesili

Oby Ezekwesili is of the opinion that choosing one’s life partner is one of the toughest decisions to make.

She took to her Twitter page to share her thoughts on this adding that this decision is that tough as it can either make or mar one’s life.
”The choice of a spouse is one of Life’s toughest decisions. Who you choose to marry can either make or mar your future. Don’t take it lightly.
“As a mom of three sons, I not only pray for them to make the right choices of partners, but also earnestly praying for my would-be daughters-in-Love to choose wisely. When a couple choose each other well, they will love, cherish and build a purposeful future together.
“No matter how much a couple love themselves, there will be times of turbulence on their Journey of Life. It is a given. The odds will sometimes be stacked against everything you both imagined. Guess what keeps you holding together? The knowledge that you chose wisely.
“Marriage was divinely designed to be beautiful. On a day like this, when I end the day thinking of God’s kindness in my choice of spouse, may those who desire to marry, find the grace from above to make the right one. Thank you, Lord for the Divine Gift of my @neduezeks”

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