"You Are a Woman Beater" - Nicki Minaj Goes In On Meek Mill

Nicki Minaj has a special kind of resentment for her ex-boyfriend, Meek Mill and it finally popped off this evening on twitter as the two ex-es went toe-to-toe with each other over who was (is) right or wrong during their relationship.
lets just say, the exchange was very insightful. Nicki Minaj of course claimed Meek beat her several times during their relationship and she was not the only woman Meek Mill beats, he also beats his mum and his sister! It is alot that was said, you can follow the entire epistle between the pair below:
"Trigger fingers turn to #TwitterFingers bad built face ass obsessed with the Queen." 

"Nigga been tweeting bout my man for a year now. Talking bout he went to my page to see him but he was blocked. My nigga, move on. I know ya btch embarrassed. Shitted yaself in that store when u got pressed tho.

"You beat your own sister and taped it. Spit on her & taped it. Kicked me in front your mother and sent her to the hospital. Sucking drake dick made u feel tough again. Move on." 

"Imagine talking about an alleged rape of a child to hurt someone who wasn’t involved just so ppl can dislike me. You can never stand on your own. You won’t tell ppl the mother is on tape asking me for $20 million to make the charge go away tho. U was around. U know. See u soon"

...and Meek Mill has this to say:

At this point, it would be very reasonable for Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj to move on with their separate lives especially since they have found new partners. what do you think?

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