OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: White House Publishes Why USA Imposed Visa Ban On Nigerians

Nigeria is  the only country in West Africa sanctioned by the US Department of Home Security following a review and update of the methodology (performance metrics).

The United States has given reasons for imposing visa restrictions on Nigerians and five other countries’  nationals.

It said Nigeria did not comply with the established identity-management and information-sharing criteria assessed by the performance metrics.

The US also said  Nigeria did not adequately share public-safety and terrorism-related information necessary for the protection of the national security and public safety of the US. .

The full report of the visa restrictions titled, ‘Proclamation on improving enhanced vetting capabilities and process’ posted in read in part, 

“Nigeria also presents a high risk, relative to other countries in the world, of terrorist travel to the United States. Nigeria is an important strategic partner in the global fight against terrorism, and the United States continues to engage with Nigeria on these and other issues.”

It further stated, 

“The Department of State has provided significant assistance to Nigeria as it modernises its border management capabilities, and the Government of Nigeria recognises the importance of improving its information sharing with the United States. .

. “Nevertheless, these investments have not yet resulted in sufficient improvements in Nigeria’s information sharing with the United States for border and immigration screening and vetting.”

Other countries on the list are Eritrea, Myanmar, Tanzania, Sudan and Kyrgyzstan.

The new visa regime announced by the US government on January 31, involves the suspension of the issuance of immigrant visas to Nigerian passport holders. It comes into effect on February 21.

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