BUSTED!! 20-Year-Old Married Woman Raped 13-Year-Old Boy Twice A Month For A Year

A 20-year-old married nursery worker Leah Cordice has been arrested for having sex with a 13-year-old boy and birthing his baby.
Cordice from Windsor, who was studying child care while working at the local nursery is said to have drunkenly walked into the boy’s bedroom where he was playing computer games and pulled down his trousers before having sex with him, the court heard.
Reports also have it that she continued having unprotected intercourse with the child twice a month for a year, even while pregnant and after she gave birth to a girl.
Her husband had believed the child is his until a DNA test showed that the schoolboy was actually the father, Reading Crown Court heard.
Prosecutors told how the boy, in an interview spoke on the case.
According to the boy;
‘You are supposed to have sex and, like, love each other. It was just like, she just wanted to do it. Now I feel like she did not really care about me.’
The jury also heard that the woman went to the boy’s house drunk in January 2017 and pulled his trousers down while he was playing computer games. She was 17 at that time.
Prosecutor Grace Ong said:
‘This case concerns the defendant having a sexual relationship with a child.
‘Matters only came to the attention of the local authority, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council, in the course of family proceedings in relation to Ms Cordice’s child.
‘DNA testing revealed that her child is the complainant’s biological daughter.’
Ms Ong, speaking of the police interview, told the jury:
‘The boy said that he and Ms Cordice started having sexual intercourse when he was 13 years old.
‘The defendant, Ms Cordice, was drunk, she went around to his address, she went into his bedroom and at first, they talked normally and he continued playing on his Xbox and watching YouTube.
‘Ms Cordice then sat on his bed and started to hug him and kiss him and it carried on.
‘He said,
“I could not really say no. She would have kept asking and asking me to have sex”. Afterwards, he felt that it was a bit weird and that she did not say anything to him afterwards.’
The boy was the first person Cordice also told that she was pregnant. She showed him an app on her phone which disclosed the date she had conceived was the first time they had had sex.
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