David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, had a bit of social media drama with his first babymama, Sophia Momodu. The singer shared a post revealing that he gave Momodu a lift on his private jet to Ghana so that she would not have to fly economy.
This sparked a reaction from Momodu who immediately said she never asked him for a lift to Ghana. Reacting to the drama, a Nigerian lady identified as Adesuwa has accused the singer's wife-to-be, Chioma Avril, of being mean to Momodu. She claimed that Chioma was behind Davido and Sophia's drama.
According to her, Chioma hates Sophia and she knows what transpired between them. She claimed she had a feeling that Chioma instructed Davido of posting what he said on social media.
Adesuwa also claimed that she feels that Chioma did it to hurt Sophia.
See post below:
we are on instagram @9jalifestyle.com1Chioma hates Sophia and she must've known exactly what transpired because I'm sure David would've told her right from onset knowing Sophia would post about it (that's her thing).— Adesuwa🌱🌿🍃🌚 (@Dhat_Adesuwa) January 2, 2020
Now... Why do I feel Chioma instructed David to post this to the public to hurt Sophia?